
Hello Creator 👋

Welcome to the Movie Creator's Manual, a guide that will help you turn your presentations into movies. This journey does not have to be full of friction anymore, nor is it currently lived only by professionals. Now anyone can become a filmmaker in their own right. All the resources and tools you will need to get going as a moviemaker are just ONE CLICK AWAY 🖱️

This manual relies on the best practices of individual creators discovered and curated from all over the mighty World Wide Web. You'll learn how to:

By breaking down the journey into Planning, Filming and Editing stages this guide will take you step by step through making your first movie that you can then spread all across and beyond your working area.

Three Moviemaking Stages

Three Moviemaking Stages

Let's get ready to make your presentations fit for asynchronous communication!

🗒️ Planning

<aside> 💡 Preparation is Half the Battle: in this stage you will work through a checklist of tools and resources you'll need to have at your disposal before you start producing your movie.


📂  Project Folder

Create a new folder (on your desktop or any other location) for your project <name>. From now on, this will be your container for everything you will be downloading, saving and exporting that is related to your project.

🎞️ Presentation Deck

Your presentation deck (.key, .ppt) represents the groundwork for your project. Before you start making a movie out of your presentation deck, make sure it is rich in images.

<aside> 👌 Full text slides are not pleasant to look at. Furthermore, what's typically written on the slides is narrated as a voice over your movie. Don't make your audience choose between listening and reading. We don't want to make it too hard for them. If you don't know how to visualise some of your text, you can use these free infographics!
